Welcome to the Student Overview of Leo, powered by DaVinci Education! The sections below will provide a short introduction to some of the many features that Leo offers.
Top Navigation Bar

Students enrolled in a clinical experience will have the additional menu tab for PET (Patient Encounter Tracking).
The main user interface is based around the Calendar, a central hub for information about events.
- The Calendar opens to today's date and can be organized by: Day, Week, Month, or List views.
- Filters can be applied to the Calendar to manage the information you see. You can also add Personal Events, access More options, learn more at the ? Help and open/close the Related Materials pane.
- Related Materials are organized in the right side panel and can be downloaded all at once, or you can select specific items to download.
- Events are organized by time and place, as well as color coded by Event Type.
For more detailed information about the Calendar, please refer to the Calendar article.
The Courses tab includes a list of the Courses you are enrolled in (past & present). Each course name is also a link that brings you to the Course screen where you can access relevant information such as materials, discussions, the course description, and more.
- Courses can be sorted by:Name, Rotation, From, Until, and number of Events.
- Click the Course Name link to go to the Section Screen for that Course.
For more detailed information, please refer to the Courses article.
Users can search across the curriculum by using a keyword search. To search for parts of a word, be sure to put the term in quotations. For example, searching micro will only return results where that specific word is found. Searching "micro" will return results where that word is found as well as results where "micro" is part of a word (microbiota, e.g.).

A number of built-in advanced filters are also available to help widen or narrow search fields and display options. Clicking on the Advanced Icon toggles the screens between the Advanced Search and Basic Search.
When enabled, Leo's PET tab allows students to manage PET form submissions for clinical courses in which they are enrolled from the top Navigation Bar.
For more information regarding Patient Encounter Tracking see the article on PET.
Menu Icons
Messages allows you to create Announcements and/or Email messages to selected recipients within Leo. Announcements comes populated with all the Groups associated with the Section or Event. Emails sent in Leo will be distributed to the email listed in the User's profile.
- A red indicator shows this message is new, you haven't seen it in your Inbox before.
- An orange indicator shows the message is high priority.
- If the message is bold, that means you haven't read it yet. Click any row to view the message.
For more detailed information: refer to the Inbox article.
Accessed via the Activity Bell, the Activity report will notify you of any actionable information you need to know, such as updates/changes to events, new materials, assignments, upcoming or due Exams or Evaluations, Lotteries and Sign-ups.
- Items in Bold are unread.
- All links are active.
- Activities can be deleted.
- Deleted activities can be reviewed.
The Activity icon will automatically populate with a small number in a red box, indicating how many new or unread activities you have.
Examples of possible content you may see in your Activity screen log include items such as those listed below:
- Upcoming quiz
- New Materials were added to an upcoming Event
- Assignments added to a Course
- Event cancellation or rescheduling (in close to real time)
- Evaluation due (refer to this article on Evaluations for more information)
- Lottery/Sign-Up is open (refer to this article on Lottery/SignUps for more information)
- Exam due in Events
- Receipt of Grades
- Event changes due to Group membership modifications, such as being added/dropped
- Notification of being added or removed from a Course
- New or updated Discussion Board or comments on a thread

The Pin allows you to bookmark any screen you visit in Leo to access it whenever you need to. This feature allows you to save your spot between sessions and to access quickly the areas in Leo you visit most frequently.
Click a Recent Page pin to move it to the Pinned Pages.
Select Manage Recent Pages to view or edit your recent history.
For more information please refer to The Pin article.
The Session Screen allows you to easily navigate around Leo without having to worry about losing your work when accessing another area of Leo. The Session Screen will keep a list of all of the active pages you have visited for the given session.

For more information, please refer to the Session Screen article.