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Mapping: Course Objectives
Updated onArticlePath: Courses > [Select Course] >Mapping > Course Objectives
Course Directors and Coordinators User Guide Section Level Mapping Menu
The Academic Portrait Webinar
Updated onArticleThank you for attending our Academic Portraitâ„¢ Webinar. We hope you discovered some insights that can benefit your institution. For your convenience, you will find below the presentation's supporting materials for viewing and download at your convenience.
Admin Toolbar People Student Portraits
Faculty: Assessments > Linked Events Manage Exams
Updated onArticlePath: Linked Event Screen > Assessment > Exams > Manage Exams
Student and Faculty User Guide Faculty User Guide Faculty Event Level
Absence Requests
Updated onArticleThe Absence Request and Approval feature allows Students to request an absence from an Event with Mandatory Attendance and provides the Course/Event Administrators (who may be the Course Director/Coordinator) the ability to approve or deny the request.
Admin Toolbar People Absence Requests
Import Users
Updated onArticleUse this option to batch upload Users, next you will review the report, verify data, and finally import the data into Leo.
Admin Toolbar Advanced Data Entry
User Management: Students on a Leave of Absence
Updated onArticleA Leave of Absence might be voluntary or involuntary for a Student. This article will provide you with an overview of the steps to be taken for Students who are on a Leave of Absence and how to update their registration status.
Admin Toolbar People User Management
By Affiliation Report
Updated onArticleThis report shows a summary list of all Users by their Affiliation. User Affiliation has a number of uses, some of which depend on the type of User: Students - Affiliation normally represents the Student's current School Year, graduating, or entry year. Faculty - Affiliation often is used to identify the Instructor's main Department. Staff - Affiliation can be used to identify the Staff member's primary Department.
Admin Toolbar People People: Reports
User Management Screen
Updated onArticleThis article will show you how to manually add, edit, and remove User Accounts in Leo.
Admin Toolbar People User Management
Roles Overview
Updated onArticleIn Leo, Roles define Groups of Users who have similar types of responsibilities and access to the system. You may develop complex lists of Groups to which certain Users must belong in order for them to have access to all of the options their Role in the system requires. The Role option allows you to assign a User to this list of Groups by simply adding them to the Role.
Admin Toolbar People Roles
New Academic Year Maintenance
Updated onArticleThis article will show you how to get your system ready for the new Academic Year, a "Back to School" maintenance plan.
Admin Toolbar Course Management Program Settings