Recent updates
Linked Events
Updated onArticleLinked Events are a set of Events that are linked together to share documents and curricular mapping. These Events do not have to share the same day and time, they can be unique as long as they share the same Event Type (ex. lab, lecture, clinical, etc.). These Events will generally share the same materials and content. Not to be confused with Repeating Events, which are sets of Events that share the same Event Type, as well as a common day and time, and recur over a specified period of time.
Course Directors and Coordinators User Guide Section Level Events Menu
Creating an Orientation to Leo Course for Students
Updated onArticleWe know that your students are learning and juggling a variety of technologies while completing their academic program. To support their onboarding to Leo, we have developed an Orientation to Leo course that can be used to train students virtually or as a supplement to other orientation events. While the course was designed to be utilized in its entirety, the resources provided can also be implemented within an existing orientation program at your institution. This may include using all or some of the modules and resources described below, either as part of a fully virtual or hybrid orientation. Feel free to use the available resources in the manner that best fits your institution's specific needs.This article and the video below detail the necessary steps for creating an Orientation to Leo course at your institution.
Course Directors and Coordinators User Guide Distance Education Resources Orientation to Leo
Migrating to ‘Course Objectives’ in Leo
Updated onArticleLeo’s robust curriculum mapping capabilities are even more flexible now that you can include Course Objectives at the section level of a course. This option is enabled for each individual Academic Year in Leo. So not only are Course Objectives attached to the actual course in which they are mapped, but they are also distinct for each iteration of the course. Need to make changes to the course objectives this year? No problem, those changes won’t affect any previous iteration of the course!
Admin Toolbar Curriculum Mapping About Curriculum Mapping
Evaluations in Leo
Updated onArticleBelow is a list of resources that support the utilization of Leo's Evaluation module.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Long Events
Updated onArticleAfter the February/March 2024 update to Events in Leo, we would discourage you from adding new Long Events to Leo. This update will bring together the features of Long Events and Regular Events in Leo into a new, modern user interface. Users will be able to create events, all-day events (that span one or more days), or events that start on one day and end on the next. If you have questions about the new Events user interface, please contact the Leo Administrator at your institution.
Course Directors and Coordinators User Guide Section Level Events Menu
Updated onArticleStudent and Faculty User Guide Student User Guide Student Overview
Faculty: Event Screen Overview
Updated onArticleThe Event Screen is the central portal for all things related to an Event. This is also where Students and Faculty can view the basic information for an Event, download materials, participate in Discussion Boards and read Event Announcements.
Student and Faculty User Guide Faculty User Guide Faculty Event Level
Creating On-Demand Evaluations
Updated onArticleWe know that Evaluations are a vital component of your health sciences curriculum. With On-Demand Evaluations Leo allows your Students and Faculty to request Evaluations or complete Evaluations right from their Eval Portal. On-Demand Evaluations are configured at the Course Section Level ensuring that Course Administrators control which Evaluations can be requested or completed by Students and Faculty in their Course. This article details the necessary steps for setting up On-Demand Evaluations in Leo.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Faculty: Event Mapping Menu (Course Objectives Version)
Updated onArticlePath: Calendar > Event > Mapping
Student and Faculty User Guide Faculty User Guide Faculty Event Level
Calendar Tab
Updated onArticleThe Calendar acts as a central information hub and resource, providing users with quick access to their schedule and tools to manage their events in Leo. In this article, users have multiple ways to customize their calendar, ranging from Day, Week, Month and List view as well as various filter options.
Student and Faculty User Guide Faculty User Guide Faculty Overview