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Template/Campus User List
Updated onArticleThis screen shows a list of all active Eval Types and the number of Campus/Course Template admins assigned to those Eval Types. If no one is assigned as an Admin, then all Users with access to the Campus or Course Template Admin Screen will have access to those Eval Types. Once you have assigned at least one Admin to an Eval Type, then only Admins will have access to that Eval Type.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
On-Demand Evals
Updated onArticleThis report shows you a list of On-Demand Evals filtered by Program and Academic Year. This report can be accessed by Staff Admin or Higher.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Evaluations Menu Overview
Updated onArticlePath: Admin Toolbar > Assessment > Evaluations
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Evaluations in Leo
Updated onArticleBelow is a list of resources that support the utilization of Leo's Evaluation module.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Export Eval Responses
Updated onArticleThis screen will generate a CSV export of all your Evaluation Responses.If you have ODBC access to your Leo database, you can also generate the SQL for the export in case you would like to change the fields or set up an automated export process.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Create A New Response Set
Updated onArticleA Response Set is a pre-defined set of responses that can be used for any question in an evaluation. Response Sets can come in handy when you want the answers to a question to be simple. An example of this could be the following responses: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. This is a typical example of an evaluation Response Set.This article will show you how to create a new Response Set for your evaluations.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Eval Listing
Updated onArticleThis report shows you a list of all available Evaluation Forms that you can access. You can normally access only those forms which you created. If you have a very high level of security, you can access all forms.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Evaluation User Status
Updated onArticleThe Evaluation User Status report includes the status of all of the evaluations that have been assigned based on your selected options.To access this report go to Admin Toolbar > Assessment > Evaulations > Evaluation User Status.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Creating On-Demand Evaluations
Updated onArticleWe know that Evaluations are a vital component of your health sciences curriculum. With On-Demand Evaluations Leo allows your Students and Faculty to request Evaluations or complete Evaluations right from their Eval Portal. On-Demand Evaluations are configured at the Course Section Level ensuring that Course Administrators control which Evaluations can be requested or completed by Students and Faculty in their Course. This article details the necessary steps for setting up On-Demand Evaluations in Leo.
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations
Evaluation Trigger at the Question/Response Level
Updated onArticleThere are 2 types of Evaluation Triggers in Leo: 1. Question/Response Level Trigger 2. Threshold Notification / Evaluation Level Trigger This article explains how to set up and use a Question/Response Level Trigger. This Trigger is set up at the response level within an Evaluation question. This type of Trigger is often used to flag issues related to safety, depression, self-harm, mistreatment, unprofessional treatment/behavior, or other incidents that warrant concern and immediate intervention. If a student clicks on a particular response, an email will be sent to the pre-defined Trigger Recipient. The Recipient is typically an administrator, such as the Dean of Student Affairs, so that this person can intervene quickly if needed. You can set up multiple Triggers within the same evaluation. In other words, 2 questions could have 2 different Triggers set up. Both the Triggers could notify the same Recipient or there could be different Recipients for different questions within the same Evaluation. This type of Trigger is set up when the Evaluation is set up at the Course Section level. The Course Director/Administrator who sets up the Evaluation can set this up. There is a Trigger Log available for this kind of Trigger notification such that every time a notification is sent out it is logged in the system. The Trigger Log is accessible from the Admin Toolbar. Path: Admin Toolbar > Assessments > Evaluations > Trigger Log
Admin Toolbar Assessment Evaluations