Running Course Lottery
Once the Lottery access window opens the Students can begin making their choices by Clicking on the Activity Bell and finding the Lottery that is available

- Available Courses: Students can begin selecting their choices
- Rank: They can change the order of their choices
- Filter: They can use the filter to narrow down a long cumbersome list.
- Close: Exit this screen
Student can access the Lottery anytime while the Lottery remains open.

Filter Options
The Block and Free Text filter are the most popular options for students to use.

You can monitor the Lottery status after Students start accessing the Lottery: click Status during the Lottery to check the Lottery's progress.
Remember, these choices are not yet assigned to the student.

- Refresh: Click on this to refresh the Report with any recent changes.
- Undelete All: If you have closed and then re-opened a Lottery, there may be many Student choices that were deleted as part of the Lottery process. This option will re-activate all of those records.
- Unselect: Click here to mark any selected records as unselected. This is normally only required if an update has been interrupted. It essentially resets the Lottery so that it can be properly processed.

For a more detailed status report, click the Roster link.

This report shows the Students that have made at least one (1) selection. You can also view:
- All Students: Full Student Roster
- Students with no Selection: View Student who have no made a selection.
- Refresh: Refresh the screen and Lottery results to see the latest data.

The Lottery will automatically close on the End Date/Time that you have selected. To manually close and finalize the Lottery, click Close Lottery.
You will be presented with a warning message alerting you of the following:
- All under-subscribed elements of the Lottery will be canceled.
- Participants will be assigned to their top choices where there is room.
- Where there is not enough room, participants will be selected by Lottery until the element is full.
You can then click Stop to cancel, or Close Lottery to finalize.
If you select Close, you will be prompted to type a confirmation code (provided in message) to show that you are not a robot.
Once you close the Lottery, you will receive the process notification above and be taken to the preview Lottery report.
- Once the Lottery/Signup period has closed, you can view the list of Students that have made their selections by clicking Student Roster.

Click Final Roster to view the final rosters for each Course/Group/Event in the Lottery.
- You can view All Elements - This shows the status of all elements, including canceled elements.
- You can view By Student - This will show a list of Students and their final assignment. If the Lottery allows multiple assignments, the Students will appear in the list multiple times.
- You can click on Email Results to Users to send out an email to all participants informing them of the Lottery results.
This report shows Lotteries that have been Finalized. Once a Lottery is Closed it will appear in the Finalized Lottery list. You can click on the name of the Lottery to view detailed information about the outcome of the Lottery.
This is a list of all the Lotteries that have been finalized. It also indicates whether it is a Lottery or a Signup, and whether it was for a Course/Event/Group. For each of the items listed, the open and close date are indicated. If you click on any item in the list, you can view the details and also Re-open any of the Closed/Finalized Lotteries.

Finalized Lottery Results
Once you click on the Finalized Lottery name you have the ability to review the elements which were open, the final roster, Student Roster and will have the ability to Reopen the Lottery.
Student Roster
This report shows the student's final selections for a Lottery. For closed lotteries, the report will show all selections, and will indicate the final selection with an asterisk.

NOTE: You can edit the rank settings of the choices. This option is provided in case you want to re-run the Lottery with adjusted rank settings.
Active Students: Students with at least One Selection
This report shows the Students choices in rank order.
Deleted Lotteries
This is a list of deleted Lotteries. Clicking on the Lottery's name will show you the details of the Lottery.

Deleted Lotteries cannot be re-opened. If you want to re-open a Lottery, you must start from the list of Finalized Lotteries.
Re-opening a Closed Lottery
- If you would like to re-open a closed Lottery/Signup, identify the Lottery/Signup that in the list of Finalized Lotteries.
- Click Re-Open Lottery.

When you click on Re-Open Lottery, you will have two options for how to re-open the Lottery:
- Re-Open Canceled Choices: This will make all of the canceled choices available to Users again. This option is only of use if there were unselected options still available.
- Re-Open All Choices: This option will re-open the canceled choices and will also re-open the choices that have been awarded. Students will be removed from the Course, Event, Group, etc., to which they were assigned by the Lottery.
Select how you want to open the Lottery.
- You will be prompted to type a confirmation code (provided in the message).

Depending on whether you select Re-Open Canceled Choices or Re-Open All Choices, you will receive one of the messages shown here. When you click on OK, you will be taken back to the Edit Lottery screen.

Once you re-open the Lottery, you can edit it like you would set up or edit an existing Lottery that was not finalized.

Every time a lottery is closed or re-opened, a detailed history of the updates that occur are recorded in a Lottery Log. This report shows all of the logs created for this Lottery.
The purpose of these logs is to show you the details of how the Lottery transpired and help you to answer any questions on the how or why or what happened.

This option will let you Force Close a Lottery without further processing. If a Lottery is taking too long to complete, and only has a limited number of outstanding choices, this option can be used to force the Lottery to close, after which you can manually assign the remaining choices.

NOTE: Once you Finalize the Lottery/Signup, Students that have not participated will be left out. You will need to manually add those Students to the individual Course/Group/Event's Student roster.