Leo User Guide

Absence Requests

Updated on

The Absence Request and Approval feature allows Students to request an absence from an Event with Mandatory Attendance and provides the Course/Event Administrators (who may be the Course Director/Coordinator) the ability to approve or deny the request.

NOTE: Only Users with System Administration or Super User access will be able to edit the options available in the Account Manager.

In order to review and approve the absence request from an Event, this option needs to be enabled in the Account Manager > Profile settings.

However, institutions can determine who can be assigned as System-wide Attendance Administrators. Once a person is identified as an Attendance Administrator they will have a wider access within Leo.

Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > People > Absence Requests

This report shows all absence requests for all dates greater than or equal to the current date. You can mark the requests as Excused or Unexcused.

  • Filter: This option allows you to change the parameters for searching this report.
  • Administrators: Allows you to mange the attendance admin list.
  • Types: Allows you to manage the list of absence request types.

The Absence Request Tracking Report filter will show you a list of absence requests. This filter option will let you choose which records to review.

  • Programs: You can select which Programs you want to see the requests from.
  • Course: You can select a specific Course.
  • Show Deleted: If you select Yes, you can see Deleted requests.
  • Begin Date: You can set the dates from which you want to see the requests.
  • Status: You can choose between New, Unexcused and Excused Absence requests.
  • Sort by: You can choose Course, Date/Time or Student.

At the very top, you can also Clear Filter to remove any old or unwanted filters.


The primary purpose of the Attendance Administrator group is to define the Users who will be automatically notified when requests for an excused absence are made. The primary pool of Users is made up of Staff and Faculty.

If you do not want to look through the entire list, then use the search option to type in a particular name.


TIP: Absence Request Types must be assigned to Programs before they can be used by those programs. Students can only select from the Types that are set up in this by the Administrators.

Administrators can Add a Request Type by clicking on Add.


This is a list of the defined Absence Request Types for your system.

Note: Obsolete records will not be available for use, but they will be available for historical purposes.

How students request an absence from a mandatory Event

The article explains that steps that Students follow to request an absence from a mandatory event.

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