Leo User Guide

LTI Administration

Updated on

Learning Tools Interoperability™ (LTI) refers to a specification developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium that enables the integration of internet-based learning applications with online platforms offered by learning providers.

Our expanded  LTI Content Management options make it easier for users to  access and manage LTI content (such as recordings and other resources) from all providers. This one stop tool puts you in control of managing the LTI content for Courses and Events through features such as naming and filtering options, the ability to see and access all LTI content for a particular Course, run exception reports and bulk add information.

Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > System Administration > LTI

LTI Providers

This report shows all of the assigned LTI providers that your system can link to.

Click on the LTI resource's name to edit or review the settings or run access tests.

NOTE: More information is located under the ? (Help) icon

New Provider

This screen is used to define an LTI resource which can be linked to from the Leo system. Each resource contains learning objects, such as lecture capture recordings, SCORM objects, documents, wikis, etc., that can be accessed from the Course or Event.

Use the links at the top of the screen to test your connections.

  • LTI Version (*): This should match the LTI Version needed by the Tool for integration. Example: v1p3
  • Client Name (*): This should match the Tool's Client Name and should be unique if a Tool will have more than one Provider linked in Leo. This will display in the Course Section for users.
  • Public Key (*): This will can be provided by your System Administrator(s) for the Tool and will be how Leo launches the external Tool.

A confirmation message is provided to verify the LTI Provider has been saved.

NOTE: A given LTI vendor may have more than one resource available. Use the Provider Name field to differentiate.

  • For example if you have 2 Programs, both using the ECHO360 service and they have unique ECHO360 accounts.  
  • You could specify the Provider Name as ECHO360-Program_A and  ECHO360-Program_B.
LTI Context

This report displays the Context (typically Course), in which the Resource Links for the Tool which is hosted by an LTI Provider.

You can manage from the links to the content from the Course or Event.  The nature of what can be controlled in this screen is dependent upon the capabilities that have been enabled between Leo and the Provider's system.

Some LTI Providers require you to copy the links from their system and paste them into Leo. Other Providers allow you to first create the link object in Leo, and then click it to go connect it to your content of choice in the Provider's system. As we integrate with each Provider, we take this into account and have modified the interface appropriately to allow you to quickly set up LTI links.

  • Select Delete to remove the Context of one of these external services on the LTI Context Report screen
  • Select Edit to update or modify the LTI Context

Create New

  1. Select Create New to add a new LTI Context in Leo
  2. Tool Deployment(*): Select the configured LTI Provider from this drop-down
  3. Title(*): Add a Title for your LTI Context. This should be unique from other Contexts for your Tool
  4. Label(*): This will be
  5. Context Type (*): Click to select which available option accurately represents the nature of the Resource from the Tool's point of view
  6. Scope(Optional): Click to define which action the Tool can perform. Examples include "Name and Role" or "Assignments and Grades"
  7. Select Save


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