We know that your faculty are learning and juggling a variety of technologies while educating students in their academic program. To support their onboarding to Leo, we have developed an Orientation to Leo course that can be used to train faculty virtually or as a supplement to other orientation or onboarding events. While the course was designed to be utilized in its entirety, the resources provided can also be implemented within an existing orientation program at your institution. This may include using all or some of the modules and resources described below, either as part of a fully virtual or hybrid orientation. Feel free to use the available resources in the manner that best fits your institution's specific needs.
This article details the necessary steps for creating an Orientation to Leo course at your institution.
If you have any questions or concerns at any point in the setup process, please reach out to the DaVinci Education Team via the Help Desk.
Path: Home > Course Management > Course Settings > Courses > Course Templates > New Course Templates

New Course Template
Each Course Template requires a unique abbreviation to identify it as the source for any instance (Section/Rotation) of the Course that will be related to it. For the Orientation to Leo course, the same workflow applies.

- Click Save Abbreviation to save your new abbreviation and exit this screen.
NOTE: You can determine the naming convention that should be used for your Course Template. We recommend LEO.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).
- Name: This is the general name for your new Course - it must be unique. We recommend Orientation to Leo or Faculty Orientation Course.
- Course Description: This is the basic description of your new Course and applies to all Sections. This field can be edited at a later date, if necessary. This field is optional. We have provided a recommended Course Description below.
- School Year: This should include any School Year(s) (or cohorts) that should be able to access and complete the Orientation to Leo Course. We recommend All Years. Then it will be available to any student who many need a refresher.
- Course Type: This determines what type of Course this will be (ex. classroom, clinical, lab, etc.). This is a required field. We recommend selecting Online.
Click Save Changes to save and exit this screen.
If Online or Virtual are not current Course Types available in Leo, please refer to the Courses: Course Types article to create them.
Tip: For more information on creating a Course Template, please refer to Courses: Course Templates article
Path: Home > Course Management > Course Settings > Courses > Course Templates

On the Course Template screen, enter the Course Template Name [Orientation to Leo] that you just created in the Search Course Templates field.
From the Course Template Edit Screen, click Create new section.

- Year: Select your current Academic Year.
- Begin Date: Select the date you want the course to begin.
- End Date: Select the date you want the course to end.
- Campus: Associate a Campus with the course.
- Click Create new Section.

Tip: For more information on creating a Course Section, please refer to Settings: Create New Section article
Once the Section has been created you will need to assign faculty in the Course. We recommend adding them to your Events in Leo Orientation Event.
To assign faculty to the course Course, please refer to the People Menu Overview article for guidance.
These faculty will now be associated to the Orientation to Leo course and able to add and mange materials.

Refer to the Import Events article for detailed information regarding required fields and formatting of the CSV file prior to upload.
Once you have downloaded the CSV file, you will need to update any required columns and columns your institution decides is relevant. For example, this may include updating times and dates for your Events to reflect how you want them to display in the course.
- Select the updated Faculty Orientation Events File: Browse for the CSV file.
- Save File

Add Course Section Materials
For detailed information regarding managing and adding Materials, please refer to the Materials: Section Materials article.
The Introduction to Leo course below can be added the Section Screen of your Faculty Orientation Course. This course contains the virtual training module: Orientation to Leo.
Welcome to Leo, powered by DaVinci Education! In this course we will share valuable insight to help you navigate Leo.
By participating in this module, participants will be able to:
- Navigate your Leo home page & define Leo menu icons
- Distinguish between the icons in the Calendar navigation bar
- Set-up a Calendar feed from Leo
- Search for Content in Leo
- Access your User Profile
Estimated Duration: 15-25 minutes
You can add the hyperlink or embed the course within the Course Section.
Do faculty need to send emails in Leo. Ask faculty to send a message in Leo attaching their Orientation to Leo completion certificate (they'll get this in their email) as a way of commnicating in Leo.
Add Materials to Event Screen(s)
For detailed information regarding managing and adding Materials (including SCORM files), please refer to Faculty: Upload Event Materials article.
Use our Events in Leo virtual training module to share how faculty can participate and manage Events in Leo. Learn more about this module below.
The Events Overview training module below can be added to the Events in Leo event. This course contains the virtual training module: Faculty: Events in Leo.
By participating in this module, participants will be able to:
- Navigate the Event screen
- Distinguish and define the Event menu
- Create and participate in discussions
- Manage various event settings, upload materials, adjust mapping, manage assessments, and send announcements when assigned as an Instructor
Estimated Duration: 5-10 minutes
You can add the hyperlink or embed the course within the Course Section.
Do you require faculty to map Session Objectives in their events? We recommend asking faculty to complete this process in an event within your Faculty Orientation Course.
If faculty are not adding mapping Leo, consider creating a discussion board where faculty can connect and become familiar with this feature in Leo.
The Student Portrait Overview training module below can be added to the Student Portrait in Leo event. This course contains the virtual training module: Faculty: Student Portrait Listing in Leo.
By participating in this module, participants will be able to:
- Navigate to student Academic Portraits
- Distinguish and define Academic Portrait content and tools
- Upload documents to the Portfolio
- Add or modify Noteworthy Characteristics
Estimated Duration: 5-7 minutes
You can add the hyperlink or embed the course within the Course Section..
Use the Student Portrait to introduce students to their mentors. Consider use the Portrait's Note, Portfolio or message feature to foster connections between students and mentors.
The Faculty Portrait Overview training module below can be added to the Faculty Portrait in Leo event. This course contains the virtual training module: Faculty: My Portrait in Leo.
By participating in this module, participants will be able to:
- Create an info screen as a component of your Faculty Portrait
- Access information related to evaluations and faculty workload
- Add your ORCID ID to Leo in order to display all of your associated PubMed publications
- Upload documents to your Portrait
- Export your Faculty Portrait for archival purposes
You can add the hyperlink or embed the course within the Course Section.
Ask faculty to customize their Info section of the Academic Portrait adding content, videos and documents relevant to their role and background at your institution.
Welcome your faculty to Leo!
Consider using the template below as a way to introduce your faculty to Leo and provide directions on how to login and access the Faculty Orientation Course and content.