Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Campus Level > People

This build list lets you manage the Faculty that will act as Campus Course Directors and have administrative access at the Campus Level. This means that these Faculty will have administrative rights in:
- The Campus Info screen
- All Sections/Rotations in this Course within the current year and the current campus
- All Events linked to the Courses covered in #2

- The default list of Available Faculty is based on Faculty that have previously been assigned as Campus Level Course Directors.
- The Extended List is made up of all active Faculty members.
NOTE: If you remove the Campus Course Director who has been defined as the Evaluator of Record, that person will be automatically removed from that Role as well. In that case, you will need to assign a new Evaluator of Record.
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Campus Level > People

This build list lets you manage the Staff that will have administrative access at the Campus Level. This means that these Users will have administrative rights in:
- The Campus Level Info screen
- All Sections/Rotations in for this Course within the current year and the current campus
- All Events linked to this Course within the current year and the current campus

The default list of Available Staff is based on other Staff that have previously been assigned as Campus Admins.
The Extended List is made up of all active Staff members.
This screen is used to assign the official Evaluator of Record for this Campus Level Course. This is the individual who is responsible for Evaluations.
However, any Admin or Director in the Campus Level Course can enter the Evaluations for the official Evaluator.

Select your Evaluator of Record from the list of assigned Course Directors.