This Gradebook is a summary from all Courses happening at that particular campus for the year.
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Campus Level > Assessment > View Gradebook

Campus Level Gradebook
The Gradebook is used to gather all of the scores for Exams, Quizzes, Assignments or other assessed activities related to a specific Course. There are many sources of data for this screen:
- Leo Exams
- Leo Assignments
- Manually-entered assignments
- Assignments from other systems (via score upload)
No entries in the Gradebook at the campus level can be manually adjusted. This should be considered a read only view of the gradebook.

- The lock icon indicates that an assignment is not visible to students.
- The Comment icon indicates there is a comment for that student on the assignment. Mouseover the icon to view the comment.
- Mouseover the final grade to see more details.