At the Campus Level or at the Course Template Level you can manage your Evaluations that need to be reviewed and summarized.
Path: Home > Courses > [Choose Course] > Campus Level > Evaluations
Path: Home > Courses > [Choose Course] > Course Template > Assessments > Approve Evaluations

Evaluation for Review
Evaluations by Type: Select + to expand and display each instance of the Evaluation within the Type

Click the active link to review and summarize the Evaluation.
Evaluation Summary
This option is used to create a Summary Evaluation of the User, Course, etc. that is being evaluated based on the averaged responses of the selected Evaluators.
NOTE: All comments will be summarized and presented.
The three steps involved in a Summary Evaluation.
- Review New: Click the link (the Evaluators Name) to review and submit the New Evaluation.
- Filter: Filter Evaluation by status, (New, Open, Review, Submitted, Approved and Closed)
- Generate PDF: Download a summary PDF for these Evaluations
NOTE: New Evaluations are never included in the download.
- Click the link to review the Evaluation.
- Check this box to add or remove this Evaluator's completed results from the summary.
Color Coding
The list of evaluations is color coded in the following way:
- Green: New evaluations
- Purple: Open evaluation. Record has been opened but not submitted
- Gray: Submitted evaluations not yet approved by the Course Template
- Red: Approved by Course Template
- Orange: Evaluations returned by the Course Template for further review
- Blue: Evaluations that have been fully submitted by Course Template
- White: Evaluations with status errors. Re-editing these records should fix the issue.
If you have the Account Manager setting for "Enable automatic email notifications of completed evaluations" selected for specific evaluation types, then you will have an option to notify the evaluatee when the summary evaluation is approved.
NOTE: This option is only enabled for evaluations that do not have de-identification rules in place. For example, if "Randomize and de-identify faculty comments" is selected in the Account Manager for your program, then you will not be able to manually approve and notify students via email of evaluation summary results.
You must also approve each summary evaluation individually to notify the evaluatee. Using the "Approve all submitted" option will not notify students of their evaluation results.
If you have a very large number of Evaluations to summarize for a large number of Students, you can use the filter option in the upper left-hand corner. This option will let you filter the Evaluations by status. You can select one or more evaluation statuses to be displayed. The filter option will also show you a list of the currently selected filters.

NOTE: The system will remember your filter selections so that they will be active in all Evaluations Workflow lists.
If no filter options are selected, then all statues will be displayed.
All Summary Evaluations with a particular status (except New) may be downloaded in a zip file containing a PDF file for each Evaluation.

Click the appropriate link to download the Evaluations.