Leo User Guide

Quality Assurance (QA)

Updated on

This feature introduces Quality Assurance (QA) of uploaded content when activated in the Account Manager settings.  (See Content: QA Settings article)

When enabled, any content uploaded by Faculty is placed in a queue report for Course Directors/Administrators for approval.

This includes options for:

  1. Parking content that has technical issues and flagging them for further review by A/V Techs.
  2. Grandfathering content that was uploaded before the Account Manager setting was enabled (Legacy).
  3. Hides unapproved content from Students until fixed/approved.

NOTE: Content must be marked as approved by the Course Director or Administrator before it becomes visible to Students.

Path: Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Course Reports > QA


Select an Academic Year

QA - Menu

The Quality Assurance (QA) queue is a list of documents that have been uploaded to your system for a selected Academic Year.

The QA report can be one of the following modes:

  • Open - This will show all un-approved documents
  • Approved - This will show all approved documents
  • Legacy - This will show all documents in legacy status, which means they are being ignored by the QA Queue
  1. QA - Open Entries: are displayed from Courses or Events and need to be approved prior to them being released to Students for viewing.
  2. QA - Approved: Displays all approved content.
  3. Legacy: Content that has been flagged as Legacy is generally older content and are being ignored by the QA queue.
  4. Set Legacy: Set Legacy cutoff dates.
  5. My Open Tech Support: A/V Tech support can open their queue.
  6. Data Hold: Lists all content that is not approved..

Course Director Approval Process


The Quality Assurance (QA) Queue is a list of all documents that have been uploaded to the Course (C) or Event(s) (E) in the course.

The steps for approving a document are:

  1. Download the document (View column), review and make any necessary changes.
  2. If changes were necessary, upload the revised file by clicking on Save.
  3. Click the Approve link. Comments can be added to the QA Export Approval screen.
  4. If a document has technical issues, check the box to push the document to the A/V Tech Queue for further work.


QA Export Approval Screen

The QA Export Approval screen lets you make comments and do one of three things:

  1. Approve the content.
  2. Mark the content as Legacy.
  3. Save your comments, exit the screen. (This does not approve the content, but does save a comment).

TIP: Marking a document as Legacy releases the document, but it implies that the file may not meet current  standards.

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