Leo User Guide

Overview of Curriculum Mapping

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Comprehensive Curriculum Mapping is a cornerstone of Leo. Our in-depth tracking of Competencies, Goals, Objectives and Themes provides you with the ability to directly align your accreditation requirements to your curriculum, documenting what was taught, when and where it was taught, as well as how it was assessed.

Competency Sets are most often utilized to track accreditation standards across your curriculum. For example, commonly used competency sets include the Osteopathic Core Competencies for Medical Students (including the AOA Core Competencies) and the Physician Competency Reference Set (PCRS). With Leo, you can use multiple competency sets, so you can even map to both accreditation sets at once!

Goals and Objectives (G&O) are used to link competencies to your program goals and objectives, i.e. what students should be able to demonstrate they have achieved before graduation as a result of participating in the curriculum. Since the goals of your program may change over time (especially with any curricular change), Leo asks you to assign a G&O Version to each Academic Year. This way you can track both historical and new curricular data, showing any change over time.

At the Course Level, there are two different ways to map: 1)utilize unique Course Objectives or 2) select a subset of the Program Objectives as default course objectives. The first way provides you with the flexibility to more accurately reflect detailed course objectives while the second way offers a common taxonomy with one pool of consistent and validated program objectives that links to all curricular elements across courses.

At the Event Level, Session Objectives can be created to highlight the learning objectives for each learning event. These can then be linked back to Course Objectives, inheriting the entire mapping hierarchy and allowing you to track when and where your curriculum fulfills each accreditation and program requirement. which can then be linked back to the Program Objectives. 

Themes sit outside of the rest of the mapping hierarchy, offering a flexible mapping option to indicate content areas, reflect exam blueprints (ex. NBOME/NBME exams), highlight CI Keywords, and track student performance in particular areas. Themes can be tagged to courses, events, evaluations, assignments, PET diagnoses and procedures and more! All assessment data related to Themes is then collected in the Academic Portrait where students and mentors can track progress over time within any of the Themes. This data can be used for either formative or summative feedback, as well as support for studying because the results tie back to specific events where related materials can be found - creating a feedback loop for continuous improvement.

Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping

The articles in the subsequent chapters will guide you through the various Curriculum Mapping features in Leo.  

Screenshot of the About page for Curriculum Mapping in Leo
Next Article Migrating to ‘Course Objectives’ in Leo