A Student can click on their picture to access My Portrait.

The Academic Portrait displays a Student’s entire academic history in a simple comprehensive profile. Depending on the settings at your institution, you may not see all of the options listed here in the Student's Academic Portrait.
Academic Portrait Menu
Only the individual(s) explicitly assigned as the Student's mentor and high level administrators can view the Academic Portrait and related documentation, including the Portfolio.
A student's Academic Portrait is divided into the following sections:
- Highlights: Displays your basic information and contact information. This is also where you can Export your portrait. The document will download as a .zip file.
- Themes: Displays performance data based on Theme-Mapped Evaluation Questions, Events, Assignments, Procedures, and Diagnoses over time.
- Academics: A list of Courses the student has taken. Course-specific grades can be displayed, if the institution chooses.
- Attendance: This displays information about a Student's excused and unexcused absences.
- Evaluations: Active evaluations and completed evaluations on or by the Student are listed here.
- Notes: This lists all the notes that have been added to a Student's portrait by the student or a Mentor.
- About: General information and demographics about the Student are displayed on this page.
- Portfolio: A category-based digital folder where Students and their Mentors can upload documents that they need to keep over a period of time.
- Characteristics: A flexible tool for Students and Advisors to collaborate on authoring statements for the MSPE.
- MSPE: Depending on settings determined by your institution, you may or may not have access to this option. This includes a read-only view of the student's academic history
Displays performance data based on Theme-Mapped Evaluation Questions, Events, Assignments, Procedures and Diagnoses over time.
- Click the Menu icon to toggle the Academic Portrait menu on or off the screen
- Select the Filter By drop-down to filter by a specific Theme or Theme Set
- Select More Info to view detailed performance information
Displays performance based on Theme-Mapped Evaluation Questions over time. Data is also displayed below the graph in a list by Theme-Mapped Questions
- Select the Filter By drop-down above the Theme-Mapped Evaluation Questions graph to filter the graph by a specific Theme or Theme Set.
- Click Back to Overview in order to navigate back to the Themes screen.
- Use the Download icon to export the graph for archival purposes
- Hover over the Comment icon to view comments provided on the evaluation question
Displays performance based on Theme-Mapped Events. Data is also displayed in a list by Event name

- Select the Filter By drop-down above to filter the list by a specific Theme or Theme Set.
- Click Back to Overview in order to navigate back to the Themes screen.
- Use the Search field to filter results by a keyword
- Select the Event hyperlink to navigate directly to the event
Displays performance based on Theme-Mapped Assignments. Results are displayed in a list by Theme.
- Select the Filter By drop-down above to filter the list by a specific Theme or Theme Set.
- Click Back to Overview in order to navigate back to the Themes screen.
- View Score and Comments provided on the Assignment.
- Select the Course or Event hyperlink to navigate directly to the theme-mapped course or event.
To map Themes to an assignment, you must first map the Theme(s) to the Event.
Displays performance based on Theme-Mapped Procedures or Diagnoses. Data is also displayed in a list by Procedure or Diagnosis name

- Select the Filter By drop-down above to filter the list by a specific Theme or Theme Set.
- Click Back to Overview in order to navigate back to the Themes screen.
- Use the Search field to filter results by a keyword
- Select the Course hyperlink to navigate directly to the Course in which the Procedure or Diagnosis was completed
This is a list of Courses that the Student has taken.
- Completed grades may be displayed if determined by the institution.
- Clicking on a Course's name will take you to the Course information screen.
- Click the download icon to export results in .csv file format.
- Use the Sort by drop-down to filter results by Course Name.
- Click the colored tile labeled with the course name to navigate to the selected Course screen.
- Select More Info to view detailed course grade information.
- The trophy icon indicates a course in which a student earned an Honors.
Functionality presented in this portion of the Academic Portrait may vary depending on settings enabled at your institution.
- Use the Course drop-down on this screen to view a different course.
- Click Back to Courses to navigate back to the Academics screen.
- Select View Course to navigate directly to the selected Course Section screen.
- Grade details are presented in columns, organized by the Gradebook Categories and Assignments provided in the Course Section Gradebook.
- Student score information is displayed in a list by assignment and includes the score earned by the student compared to others in the course.
- Click on the comment icon to view assignment comments.
- Category totals are included in the course grade details and displayed at the end of each assignment list.
This lists a record of the excused and unexcused absences for the Student.

Use the down arrow to display the contents.
For information on how to request an absence from a Mandatory Event, please refer to this article, Absence Request.
A list of all Evaluations by or about the Student, including both active and completed Evaluations. Clicking on the Evaluation link will bring you to a summary of that Evaluation.
The column menu bar indicates the following:
- Clicking an Eval Title will take you to detailed score information for the selected Evaluation.
- The Location column contains the name of the Course or Event to which the Evaluation applies and clicking on it will open the Course Section or Event screen.
- The Evaluator column tells you the Evaluator of Record who summarized and approved the Evaluation.
Note: Evaluations will only show up here once they have been approved by a Course Director or Administrator.
Displays detailed student performance based on the selected Evaluation compared to their peers. Evaluations Results are displayed in graph and list format by Evaluation question.
Functionality presented in this portion of the Academic Portrait may vary depending on settings enabled at your institution.
- Use the Filter by Evaluation drop-down to view a different evaluation.
- Click the download icon to export the graph in .png format.
The Notes feature can be used to log the Students’ progress and/or upload documents.

- Click a note to see the full text.
- Click the Options dropdown to Add New Note
Only the individual(s) explicitly assigned as the student's mentor can view the Academic Portrait and related documentation.
New Note
This screen allows you to edit a note. You can select a category for the note and edit its content in the field below.

To add attachments to the note, click the Upload Attachments button. If there are any attachments already associated with the note, a link will be displayed that will allow you to review/edit them.
A note can be specified as Private by checking the Private box. This will make the note only visible to you.
General information and demographics about the Student is displayed on this page.
- NOTE: Security Levels for User access to the About Tab are in the Account Manager: User Management

Add New

Academic History
This screen allows you to view the Academic History information that will be included on the MSPE export.
Only administrators have access to edit the student's academic history and export the student's MSPE letter.