The Session Screen allows you to easily navigate around Leo without having to worry about losing your work when accessing another area of Leo. The Session Screen will keep a list of all of the active pages you have visited for the given session. By utilizing this tool you will be able to increase your efficiency in Leo and no longer worry about whether or not you pressed Save or Update before closing out of a page.
NOTE: When you log out of Leo, any active pages will close and you will lose any unsaved work (you will see a warning).
Session Screen (Monitor icon)
Every time you sign in to Leo and navigate around into a Course, Event, run Reports, or access Leo Administrator toolbar options, Leo will save a live version of the page(s) you visited.
This list of pages can be found by clicking on the Session Screen icon, located on the top right corner of your screen.

Session Screen Drop-down
On the Session Screen drop-down, you will be able to view what screen you currently are on. The green text indicates where you are in your session.

Accessing Active Sessions
To navigate back to an Active page, click on the Session Screen icon. Once the Session Screen drop-down list appears click on the page you would like to go back to.

Closing active Sessions
To close an active Session Screen, click on the Session Screen Icon, locate the session and click the red X.
If there is a session with information that could be saved, you will receive a pop-up message asking you to confirm whether or not you wish to close the page. If you select the button, Yes - Close The Page any unsaved changes on the page will be lost. Should you wish to go back and save the information on the active page, select the X icon.

Close All Pages
To close all active Session screens, click on the Session Screen Icon, scroll to the bottom of the drop-down and select the Close All Pages button.
You will receive a message asking you to confirm whether or not you wish to close all Active Pages. If you select the button, Yes - Close Them any unsaved changes on the page will be lost. Should you wish to go back and save the information on the active page, select the button, No- Cancel.

Should you choose to close all pages, the pages will go back to their previous original state as when you logged into Leo.
Signing Out of Leo
If you choose to Sign Out of Leo and there are currently Active Pages open, you will get a warning message.
The warning message highlights all of the remaining Active Pages in your session. Should you select the Sign Out Now button you will lose any unsaved data which you have entered in. If you select the Cancel button, you will be able to go back into Leo and review the data on the Active Pages.

Any unsaved changes on these screens will be lost. Click Cancel to review your Active Pages (you can find them in the Session Screen drop-down), or click Sign Out Now to end your session.